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Men are first to make a declaration of love

2 July, 15:53


It is believed that women are more tasty for words of love than men. In Massachusetts University of Technology it has been found out that for a strong half of mankind words "I love you" are not less important, and they pronounce them before the fair sex.

In the first part of the study, researchers conducted interviews with passersby and students, who are often firts to confess his love, men or women. It has been found out that 64% of respondents believe that women. And they do it on average for 24 days earlier than men.

To test whether this is true, the researchers conducted another survey, this time among 47 heterosexual couples and 100 students. It was proposed to say who was the first in current or recently ended relationships to say three "magic" words. The research showed that in 70% and 61% cases respectively men were first, and the confession was had been expressed 42 days before their beloved repeated.

The study also was completed with the experiment, when male respondents were asked to imagine that they hear "I love you", and describe what they felt at that time. It is interesting, that the most powerful emotions a declaration of love produces till the moment of intimate relationships. In a similar experiment with women it was just opposite: they were inspired with confession after sex.
Wrong title — Ьут фку ашкые ещ ьфлу ф вусдфкфешщт ща дщму

2 July, 15:53


Today is the name day of:

Anna, Anton, Valentine, Vasyl', Gabriel, Galina, Herman, Luke, Paul (Pavlo), Semen