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The peacekeepers brought us a horrible disease

3 July, 12:48


The peacekeepers, who returned in June 27 from Liberia, have malaria. 88 of 160 people were 

hospitalized - notify.

Malaria - a dangerous infectious disease pathogens og which are transmitted to a person 

after bites of mosquitoes Anopheles. The coupse of illness is accompanied by fever, chills, 

then the size of liver and spleen increase, anemia developes. This disease is characterized 

by a chonic course with the possibility of recurrence.

Malaria causes annually about 350-500 million cases and about 1,3-3 million deaths.

Wrong title — Еру зуфсулуузукы икщгпре гы ф рщккшиду вшыуфыу

3 July, 12:48


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World Poetry Day

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Kuzma, Lev, Flavian