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New Toyota Camry will surpassed all expectations

4 July, 20:53


In the appeal to people the president of Japanese company Akio Toyoda promised that a new generetion of sedan Toyota Camry will "surpassed all expectations" of fans.

Toyoda said about that at the annual meeting of the American dealers of Toyota, which took place on June 29. He described the new model as "the best Camry ever".

Unfortunately, nothing is known about the novelty - the Japanese just say a few words about "improved efficiency and control and modern design" of new Camry, developed in due to changing of drivers' needs".

The massive advertising compaign  to promote new products scheduled for October. Thus, a new generation of the most popular Toyota's model will apear at the end of this year.
Wrong title — Туц Ещнщеф Сфькн цшдд ыгкзфыыув фдд учзусефешщты

4 July, 20:53


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