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Aphrodisiacs are dangerous

5 July, 13:44


When people start to take food with aphrodisiacs in huge amounts, it leads to insults, loss of hearing and vision. Aphrodisiacs - are products, special medicines and substances that contribute to sexual arousal.But if you overdo with food aphrodisiac, you can go to the hospital bed, instead of the bed with your lover.

Aphrodisiacs have several properties. Firstly,  they have high nutritional value that adds strength and sexual opportunities.

In addition, aphrodisiacs contain enzymes and substances that contribute to elaboration of sex hormones. Many of aphrodisiacs increase the sensitivity of the genitals, causing blood flow to them, making impact on the cardiovascular system - wrote

Hot pepper and ginger have aphrodisiac properties. But in excessive quantities they cause damage - the doctors note.

Wrong title — Фзркщвшышфсы фку вфтпукщгы

5 July, 13:44


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