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Mikhaylo Porechenkov has got fat

6 July, 12:41


Famous Russian actor Mykhailo Porechenkov, nicknamed "Winnie the Pooh", seem to gradually justify his nick.

Mykhailo has never suffered from a lack of weight, however, recently started rapidly to gain weight.

He was catched by paparazzi in one of Moscow cafes. As always smiling and friendly Porechenkov do not seem to suffer from excess pounds. He also persistently and vigorously communicate with friends.

It remains to wonder what caused such a radical change in the appearance of people's favorite. And can he take a new role, being overweight? After all, he recently received a role in the film "Fairy Tale. Is"(Kazka.Ye), where he is to play the bear - writes
Wrong title — Ьшлрфндщ Зщкусрутлщм рфы пще афе

6 July, 12:41


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