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Valeriy Meladze attacked a paparazzi just on the street

6 July, 20:39


Famous Russian singer Valeriy Meladze hadn't coped with the emotions and attacked a photographer, who was taking a photo of him and Alina Dzhanabayeva.

It's not for the first time, when Valeriy is involved in scandals with journalists, because of his emotions.

After the party in one of fashion clubs paparazzi managed to take photo of the famous singer with his beloved Albina Dzhanabayeva.

But the temperamental singer was against the shooting and decided to rectify the situation by radical measures.

Meladze rushed to the girl, quickly caught her up, threw her right in the middle of the road, requiring to delete photos.

"Valeriy lashed out at me, not allowing to say a word. He applied physical force, trying to take the camera away" - shared injured correspondent. - "I was very scared and couldn't resist him, because he was physically much stronger than me."

While the singer left the scene with the flesh memory from the camera, the victim called the police.

"They promised that the situation will not be left unattended. Video from external cameras will be removed. Witness testimony and photos will be also requested" - told the journalist.
Wrong title — Мфдукшн Ьудфвяу феефслув ф зфзфкфяяш огые щт еру ыекууе
6 July, 20:39


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