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Don't eat too many nuts

7 July, 15:48


Walnuts are foods rich in variety of nutrients. They consist of calcium fluoride, zinc, copper, iron, cobalt. Walnut kernels and oil is prescribed to patients with anemia, liver disease, atherosclerosis, colitis, hypertension. Nuts are good for pregnant women and children.

However, it is recommended to eat not more than 5 walnuts a day. Why it is so?

First of all, walnuts can cause severe allergies - so people who have an increased sensitivity to plant proteins can not take them.

Such diseases as psoriasis, neurodermatitis and eczema are contraindications for walnuts, which can cause exacerbation even from small doses.

To minimize damage of walnuts and vice versa, to enhance their positive effects? it is recommended to eat them with dried fruit and in small amount (up to 100 g per day). Remember it and be healthy!
Wrong title — Вщтэе уфе ещщ ьфтн тгеы

7 July, 15:48


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