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Ani Lorak's daughter was born with healing abilities

10 July, 21:20


Ani Lorak's daughter Sofia may be self-contained in the future.

This was commented in by Russian phychologist Natalie Ladini.

"This child is likely to be quite, she does not need noisy companies. She will love someone to read her books. - said Ladini. - In her negative demonstrations of character she can be closed and can retire into herself. You should talk a lot with this child, explaining how the world is arranged."

The singer gave birth on June 9th at 22:50. A couple decided to give the baby father's surname - Nalkahiohlu.

The psychologist noted that Sofia will also possess the oratory gift and ability to persuade.

"This girl will have the natural worldly wisdom. By definition of her date of birth, she was born with healing abilities. These people are self-sufficient, deep in the displaying their emotions, people listen to their opinion and go for advice". - she said.

The specialist admitted, that Sofia should do gymnastics from her early childhood.

"It's good to combine art and sport. For example, sport dances or gymnastics. She has leader qualities. In different periods of her life her can display them in different ways: From deep calm and self-sufficiency to violent activity and extremeness. Sofia can lead the people and inspire their ideas," - added a psychologist.

Ladini has developed her own method of diagnosis and correction of fate by the date of birth using Tarot cards. She's been working according to this system for more than five years already. She conducts training in Kiev for those who wants to know their future.
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10 July, 21:20


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