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Alexey Sedov made a promo video for Klitschko's boxer

11 July, 16:21


The director made a video of the young boxer. Promotional Company "K2 Promotions" was founded in 2005 by brothers Klitschko. Today the company consists of the best native boxers, among them Alexander Spyrko, who won the vacant world title among youth according to WBC.

"The movie is very emotional. It has everything that makes boxing as a sport spectacular!" - said music video director Alexey Sedov. "Musical and visual effecting while a boxer appears at the sport arena before the fight is very important. It's also very important to create the right first impression!".

Words and music author is Stepan Bolotenyuk - says
Wrong title — Фдучун Ыувщм ьфву ф зкщьщ мшвущ ащк Лдшеысрлщэы ищчук

11 July, 16:21


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