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Bezrukov's wife saved Gazmanov's life

12 July, 22:16


On the 30th anniversary of Oleg Gazmanov's son Rodion many surprises waited for guests.

For example, Rodion performed the song "Lucy". Thanks to this song the whole country loved him with father.

Confessions of Sergei Bezrukov's wife Irina was also an unexpected revelation. It turned out, that she saved Rodion's life many years ago.

"We were at the country house. I was swimming in the river, - said Irina. "And I saw a drowning boy nearby. I pulled out poor boy, it was Rodion. It turned out, that we are neighbors. Rodion invited me to their house ant introduced me to his parents. Since that time we've had very warm and friendly relationships" - says
Wrong title — Иуякглщмэы цшау ыфмув Пфяьфтщмэы дшау

12 July, 22:16


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