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Sensation set to make debut in Ukraine

14 February, 00:17


On the 8th of May 2011, Sensation will come to the International Exhibition Center (IEC) in Kiev. Sensation & VIRUS Music will present the mind-blowing ‘The Ocean of White', which has already filled stadiums around the world.

You will experience an amazing underwater universe, brought to life by breathtaking water fountains, an incredible Pyro show and special effects on an incredible scale. Gigantic jellyfishes, dancers, and state-of-the-art lighting effects will fill the arena, creating an atmosphere filled with wonder, glamour and sophistication.

More details, such as the line-up, will be made available in the upcoming weeks, so be sure to check back regularly.

The first batch of tickets is available at a special price and can be purchased by clicking here. The price of tickets from upcoming batches will gradually increase. Don’t miss the chance to guarantee your presence at the world’s leading dance event right now, while it is most advantageous.
Wrong title — Ыутыфешщт ыуе ещ ьфлу вуиге шт Глкфшту
14 February, 00:17


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World Poetry Day

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Kuzma, Lev, Flavian