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The monument to Vysotsky is going to be established in Kharkov

15 July, 20:46


In Kharkov, a monument to the poet and singer Vladimir Vysotsky is going to be established. It was announces by the Director of Municipal Economy of Kharkiv City Council Victor Kytanin.

According to officials, the place for the monument near the Sport Palace in already chosen, but until the project is not agreed, term of its realization is also unknown. Memorial will be set up for sponsorship funds, said SQ, - writes
Wrong title — Еру ьщтгьуте ещ Мныщеылн шы пщштп ещ иу уыефидшырув шт Лрфклщм

15 July, 20:46


Today We Celebrate

World Poetry Day

Today is the name day of:

Kuzma, Lev, Flavian