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Ahutin's daughter is ashamed of her father

16 July, 14:01


The daughter of a famous Russian pair Leonid Ahutin nd Angelika Varum Lisa plays bass guitar in one of rock bands. But she doesn't want to perform with her father.

Ahutin and Varum's daughter is 12 now. The girl lives and attends school in Miami, and recently has become a member of a local rock band. At the same time she doesn't boast with her affinity with the famous singer Ahutin, even opposite - shy.

Talking about the musical success of her child, he told this to the reporters.

"Lisa plays bass guitar in rock band. I even thought to participate in their rehearsals, play the drums. But daughter flatly refused." - admitted Leonid.

Why then the new rock-star is ashamed to perform with her father? It turned out, that youth extremism is a reason. Lisa flatly refused "to play with adults", and offered her father to show his love and care in some other way - for example, to make coffee for rock band, to bake cakes or to order pizza.
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16 July, 14:01


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