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Kirkorov's heart let him down

21 July, 16:44


On 19th of July, during the performance in Sudak, Philip Kirkorov became ill, and he had to finish his show earlier than usual. Perhaps the heart of the musician didn't survive the 35-degree heat, or possibly the tight schedule came crashing down on him.

Russian pop king paid no attention to pain in his heart, and Philip tried to finish, but unfortunately failed. Kirkorov quietly left the scene. Despite performing the most part of the show, the singer was ordered to return money to people - said

It's known that the entire July Kirkorov spent in a summer tour: a three-hour concert a day with live sound and regular journeys in the mountains. In April, when Philip had a medical examination in Israel, doctors warned him that he should protect himself and be attentive to his health.
Wrong title — Лшклщкщмэы руфке дуе ршь вщцт

21 July, 16:44


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