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Katie Topuriya is getting married

26 July, 01:31


The "A-Studio" soloist Katie Topuriya is finally getting married. It was announced in the spring about her wedding with her tycoon, but the couple couldn't find time for their solemn event. With his bride Levan Topuriya has been dating for a year and a half, and they have been just communicating for a year before.

"This man is one, about whom I can say: this is my half! We're so similar! Even our appearence. Sometimes people evn ask me: is it your brother?" - Katie smiles. The singer admitted, that she has been thinking about children already, but still she has no idea how to combine all this - says

"I really want. Although I don't imagine how to combine everything, that's a work-for-life. I think, I'm going to be very strict mom. It's difficult to cheat me. First of all, I have a good intuition, and secondly, I just don't like those who is lying" - confessed the singer.
Wrong title — Лфешу Ещзгкшнф шы пуеештп ьфккшув

26 July, 01:31


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