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Does Nikolay Baskov have a new love affaire?

27 July, 16:19


According to latest gossips, the famous Russian tenor Nikolay Baskov wooed to opera singer Maria Maksakova - his former groupmate at Gnessin. For many years Maria and Nikolay has been maintained friendly relations, but it seems now, that they have some feelings to each other.

The couple haven't done any official statements yet. However, Nikolay and Maria can be seen together more often lately. Few days ago, for example, Baskov met his darling from Istanbul at Moscow airport - writes

By the way, many find that Maria looks like Bascov's former beloved Oksana. Both girls graduated from the Law Faculty in criminal specialization. 

Maria Maksakova has been already married and has two children. After the divorce, she brings up boys alone.
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27 July, 16:19


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