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Nyusha followed Katy Perry

27 July, 18:16


In the new animated blockbuster "Smurfs» (3D) the voice of Smurfette, the only girl in the company of amusing and mischievous Smurfs, is popular singer Nyusha.

The candidacy of Nyusha was accepted in Los Angeles, because the creators felt it was important to make the voice of "Smurfette in Russian" the same as it is in "American Smurfette", which voiced Katy Perry. But the main criterion in choosing the actress was the ratio of popularity in her country. - writes

"It's so exciting to voice Smurfette - because we are different, so it will be interesting twice to warm to her role. Generally, I remember Smurfs from my childhood and they were my favorite characters, so when I was offered to voice Smurfette, it played a key role in my consent. I am sure that to all children of the country these charming characters will become real friends!"
Wrong title — Тнгырф ащддщцув Лфен Зуккн

27 July, 18:16


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