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Albina Dzhanabayeva makes a duet with Valery Meladze

28 July, 12:07


After the rumors about the collapse of "VIA Gra" another gossip appeared among the celebrities. Albina Dzhanabayeva is preparing a solo project. The first single will be a duet with Valery Meladze.

But not surprisingly, Valery helps Albina in this endeavor, it is not a secret that they have more than just a common work relationships - writes

The source claims that in September the last VIA Gra's song will be released, then the band is splitting up. In November, first single of Albina Dzhanabayeva with Meladze will be released . Title of the track is still unknown. 
Wrong title — Фдиштф Вярфтфифнумф ьфлуы ф вгуе цшер Мфдукн Ьудфвяу

28 July, 12:07


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