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Leonid Agutin made short haircut for the first time

28 July, 15:20


It's difficult to imagine Russian singer and composer Leonid Agutin without his chic hair, which has become already knowable point of musician. However, at the opening of the festival "New Wave" in Jurmala Leonid made a surprise to all and came with a short haircut.

Judging by the mood of Agutin, he likes his new image - says It's a mystery, what has forced musician to make a haircut. Maybe we should blame the heat.

Along with Leonid happy Angelika Varum walked and watched the audience reaction to the new image of her husband.
Wrong title — Дущтшв Фпгешт ьфву ырщке рфшксге ащк еру ашкые ешьу

28 July, 15:20


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