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Valeria gave a room to Goran Bregivich

28 July, 15:45


Special guest of music festival "New Wave 2011" Goran Bregovich, on arrival in Jurmala was very unhappy. Submitted hotel room didn't fit musician's requests.

Valerie and Joseph Prigogine, who are binded with close friendship with Goran, had to give composer the room in his apartment in Jurmala.

"We immediately asked Goran to live in our apartment! Why should he rest in the hotel when we have a spacious 3-bedroom apartment, where there is enough rooms for all "- says Prigogine.

Now, the famous composer lives in luxury conditions, and Valerie and Joseph don't let him miss - writes

We know that Goran Bregovich knows star family for many years - they are binded with friendship as well as with music.
Wrong title — Мфдукшф пфму ф кщщь ещ Пщкфт Икупшмшср

28 July, 15:45


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