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Van Dam's Girlfriend Olena Kaverina showed indiscreet photos

28 July, 22:25


Ukrainian sweet one of earlier popular actor Jean Claude Van Damme does not hide her beauty from prying eyes. Actor's darling, who lives with him in Kiev, but originally from Krivoy Rog, Elena Kaverina, recently posted on her page "Vkontakte" candid photos.

After this step, naturally, she got a lot of compliments and, apparently, she reportedly remained satisfied with the reaction of "spectators".

It's necessary to recall that in March 2010, movie star Van Damme said that he is infatuated with Ukrainian Olena. He even assembled a press conference to officially announce it. However, he hasn't proposed yet to a girl from Krivoy Rog whom he had met in a disco in Thailand, - writes
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28 July, 22:25


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