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Ex-vocalist of "Laskovyi May" is conditionally released from jail

29 July, 21:38


Industrial district court of Stavropol in Russia fulfilled request of the former vocalist of the "Laskovyi May" Andrey Gurov on parole. Near the exit of the colony, where Gurov was doing time, as the producer of "Laskovyi May" Andrei Razin told, about a hundred supporters greeted the singer with flowers.

In 2008, Gurov was returned guilty on Part 4 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code (deliberate infliction of severe injury, causing the death of a man) and convicted to six years of prison term. Taganskyi district court of Moscow confirmed that Gurov caused at least three blows with unidentified blunt object to his neighbor in a communal apartment during a quarrel, then the victim died in hospital. Later the sentence was approved by Moscow court - writes

Andrey Gurov was a member of the popular band "Laskovyi May" from 1988 to 1992.
Wrong title — Уч-мщсфдшые ща @Дфылщмнш Ьфн@ шы сщтвшешщтфддн кудуфыув акщь офшд

29 July, 21:38


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