Philip Kirkorov touched Ani Lorak's buns!
Behind the "New Wave" Phillip Kirokorov tried to woo Ani Lorak. Moreover, he constantly aimed to grab her buns. The singer seems to sympathize the young stellar mother.
In Jurmala, during a rehearsal of the 1st day of competition, Philip could not resist and touched Ani Lorak's very rounded shape - writes
First singer touched her "five point" when they met, and then he wanted more ... having no power to resist, Philip again turned hands on "lukewarm place". However, Ani also didn't keep her hands.
During all these events the guard of Philip carefully observed his conduct and looked in all directions, but luckily, the photographer didn't saw.
Wrong title — Зршдшз Лшклщкщм ещгсрув Фтш Дщкфлэы игты!
Tags: Philip Kirkorov, Ani Lorak, buns
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