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Gregory Leps remembered his childhood

30 July, 14:57


On the main street of Jurmala resort Gregory Leps tried his boxing skills on the dynamometer, shooted with Archery and tasted an ice cream.

- We were told that Leps had wrangled with his friends and did not drink alcohol for the whole year, but now, apparently, broke. At least, in our bar he is a frequent visitor - Life Showbiz was told in the hotel where the singer stopped. - He is usually in company with Meladze brothers, sometimes Agutin joins them .

Despite the apparently heated with beverage condition, Gregory was able to knock more than 800 points on dynamometer, and then accurately hit the target with a bow - said

- For a long time he could not understand how to shoot, but then showed the class, however, it was not enough for award  - shared with Life Showbiz the owner of Tire Mikanas. - It is strange, because he was drunk.

Wrong title — Пкупщкн Дузы куьуьиукув ршы сршдврщщв

30 July, 14:57


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