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Baggy body of Vera Brezhneva

1 August, 20:57


Well-known sexy singer showed on stage in Jurmala her not quite perfect body.

Vera Brezhneva during her performance on the "New Wave" with Timur Rodriguez showed to all her legs. But as it turned out they are not as ideal as it would seem at first glance. When the sexy singer tried to demonstrate her stretching and lifted leg up above his head, the whole star's mistery opened, as Vera Brezhneva chose for her performance very revealing attire.

Moreover, skin of her legs looked flabby and very baggy. Maybe permanent weight loss and unhealthy diet made ​​a result. Now the skin on the feet of Vera Brezhneva looks as if the singer is a woman aged - says
Wrong title — Ифппн ищвн ща Мукф Икуяртумф

1 August, 20:57


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