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Beyonce And Jay Z Break-Up?

17 February, 16:47

Share: reports that Beyonce and Jay Z are taking a "trial separation."

A person close to the couple says that they have been at odds for the last year. The insider explains,"The biggest thing they argue about is about kids, Jay Z wants them and Beyonce doesn't. It's all about her career, and she doesn't want to slow down."

Jay Z is so adamant about having kids, that learned he just entered a lease to a Los Angeles mansion - without his wife!!! The insider claims, "For now Jay Z's going to be staying in LA. Beyonce will be in NY. . . The hope is that with the time apart, the couple will decide to either have kids, or go their separate ways."

According to multiple guests on Saturday's RocNation lunch, there was "definitely something wrong" between Jay Z and Beyonce. As one celeb puts it, "They didn't even look each other in the eye."
Wrong title — Иунщтсу Фтв Офн Я Икуфл-Гз&

17 February, 16:47


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