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Premiere! T-moor Rodriguez - Out in space

5 August, 12:28


Vote for your favorite music video or song actively!

Navsi100 (TV) - Only hit music videos are vying for victory during the week. Navsi100 (Radio) - Popular songs are vying for victory during the week to become a leader on radio! UAUK - It is truly unique chart in Ukraine! Our native artists offer you their songs written for export. JAZZ in UA - The first jazz hit parade in Ukraine! Promo-Top - Hit parade of Lviv artists' videos. Starter - Young talents! Now you can submit your work in our chart and win! RUpor - We collect your favorite artists from the post-soviet show bizz  to "poke" them into the popular program chart.

Your proposals to hit parade send to e-mail: chart [at]
Wrong title — Зкуьшуку! Е-ьщщк Кщвкшпгуя - Щге шт ызфсу
5 August, 12:28


Today We Celebrate

World Poetry Day

Today is the name day of:

Kuzma, Lev, Flavian