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Vitamins prevent to give up smoking

8 August, 21:17


When smokers take multivitamin complexes, they rarely give up smoking.

Psychologists explain the behavior of people dependent on effect of "permission". For example, alcoholics may refrain from alcoholic drinks for a week and "relax" on weekend. The same happens to those smokers who initially make healthy choice for vitamins, and then allow themselves a favor and smoke even more.

Researchers conducted two experiments that positioned as consumer tests on the quality of vitamin complexes. They gave 74 placebos to smokers, but half were confident that they take vitamin C. Then, scientists announced hour break between experiments. It turned out that during their rest, people who thought that were taking vitamin C, were smoking 2 times more. In other words, the more respondents believed in the healing power of vitamins, the more they smoked.

However, taking multivitamins does not protect you against lung cancer, say scientists. That's why it is necessary to remind smokers that they shouldn't cheat Themselves - wrote

The study was published in the Journal of Addiction.
Wrong title — Мшефьшты зкумуте ещ пшму гз ыьщлштп

8 August, 21:17


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