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Borisenko brothers decided to win the hearts of Ukrainian villages

9 August, 11:20


Young performers entertained the audience with Ukrainian folk songs.

Vova and Sascha Borysenko for "Golden Gramophone" changed their repertoire. From pops the singers switched to folk songs. During the commercials the artists have decided to cheer the audience and sang one of the favorite tracks as it turned out it was folk song "Oy na gori dva dubki."

Borisenko brothers sang so sincerely that almost all the hall started to sing along. So they entertained the audience during a commercial break, but  live they performed their regular pop song.
Wrong title — Ищкшыутлщ икщерукы вусшвув ещ цшт еру руфкеы ща Глкфштшфт мшддфпуы

9 August, 11:20


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