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Ani Lorak chose Kirkorov her daughter's godfather

9 August, 14:25


Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak, who now brings up her daughter Sophia, has already decided who will be her godfather.

On the role of a reliable patron Carolina chose her friend, the pop-king of Russian show business Philip Kirkorov.

"I am sure that I wouldn't have found a better godfather than Philip Kirkorov for my child. Now he doesn't know about it, but I feel that he wants to "- Ani Lorak admitted.

Carolina has been convinced in the responsiveness and attentiveness of Kirkorov during her pregnancy. Touring abroad, Philip always was interested in the health and mood of the expectant mother - wrote

We know that Ani Lorak and Kirkorov binds long friendship.
Wrong title — Фтш Дщкфл срщыу Лшклщкщм рук вфгпреукэы пщваферук

9 August, 14:25


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