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Tina Karol commented on the divorse with her husband

10 August, 22:53


Singer Tina Karol suggested that she might not know something about the situation in her family, and commented on the rumors about her divorce with producer Evgen Ogir.

On some TabloID questions the singer answered after her solo concert in one of Kyiv nightclubs.

When she was asked about the divorse, Tina said:

"You probably love my new songs such as "Zachem Ya znayu?" ("Why I Know")

To the question whether it's all right in her family, she replied:

"Maybe I do not know something, but I hope that all is well!"

In particular, to her solo concert on the 6th of August Carol arrived with her husband and producer Evgen Ogir. And the pair almost immediately closed in a dressing room.

By the way, according to Tina, despite the fact that her wedding was 3 years ago, she still feels like a bride.

"Each concert I put on a  veil as for wedding. I think, this state of love is peculiar to every young girl" - she commented on this fact.
Wrong title — Ештф Лфкщд сщььутеув щт еру вшмщкыу цшер рук ргыифтв

10 August, 22:53


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