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Olesya from Hi-Fi will travel around the Europe by car

10 August, 23:17


The soloist of group Hi-Fi Olesya went on vacation. The singer and her young husband will spend august in autotravel around the Europe.

First, the couple will go through Petersburg to Helsinki, then cross by ferry to Stockholm, from there to Malmö, Copenhagen, Odense. Then on their route are Amsterdam, Bremen and several German cities. From Germany Olesya plans to go to the Czech Republic, making a stop in Prague, and from there travel to Poland, especially to Lodz with its famous Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Wroclaw. From Poland travelers will go to Belarus, and then return to Moscow. The trip should take almost all August - wrote
Wrong title — Щдуынф акщь Рш-Аш цшдд екфмуд фкщгтв еру Угкщзу ин сфк

10 August, 23:17


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