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Danilko gets drunk once a week, but till the morning

10 August, 23:54


Artist Andrew Danilko tries to control himself and not to hold on drinking all the night.

Danilko doesn't keep in secret that often likes to attach to the bottle says "Hlamurchik."

"It's better for me not to drink at all or to get drunk completely. It happens once a week, but until the morning. For me it is unloading," - the edition quotes Andrew's words.

As the site writes, the coterie gossips that Danilko drinks at night for many years and then sleeps until 2 p.m.
Wrong title — Вфтшдлщ пуеы вкгтл щтсу ф цуул? иге ешдд еру ьщктштп

10 August, 23:54


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