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The soloist of RealO shocked with her naked breasts

11 August, 00:51


Soloist REAL O Alica Tarabarova flashed her naked breasts live on "Golden Gramophone Award".

Girls have chosen for their performance very candid outfits, which played a trick on them. During active dance neckline of Alica Tarabarova was even more frank, part of her dress slipped and bared her breasts. But Alica probably had surmised that it could happen and prudently stick up her nipples with white stripes.

Another group participants were more lucky, they showed only underpants, which were part of the suit.
Wrong title — Еру ыщдщшые ща КуфдЩ ырщслув цшер рук тфлув икуфыеы
11 August, 00:51


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