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Ahutin betrayed Varum

11 August, 12:22


The singer Leonid Ahutin betrayed his wife Angelika Varum, while she was sleeping.

"Bootless boy" kissed slim brunette on the last day of the festival "New Wave" in Jurmala. The video was filmed by journalists from "Life Showbiz".

In the evening, after closing the "New Wave" Angelica did not change his regime, kissed her husband, and went to bed.

After-party was held in a restaurant in Jurmala, located just on the shore of the Gulf of Riga.

Leonid Ahutin met a girl nearly half younger than him. They were talking near bar, then began to drink. The singer suddenly kissed the stranger. Passionate affection of Ahutin and the girl persisted over an hour and continued too far from prying eyes - in a deserted corridor of the institution.

Ahutin promised brunette, that it was not their last meeting.

When the correspondent of "Life Showbiz" asked Angelica to comment the betrayal, Varum said that she wasn't going to leave husband. And it seems that she even doesn't believe in the history with the young girl.
Wrong title — Фргешт иуекфнув Мфкгь
11 August, 12:22


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