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Vakarchuk liked to be "stoned"

11 August, 12:45


Frontman of the band "Okean Elzy" was flattered by definition of "stoned" in his address.

On Wednesday the leader of the "OE" Svyatoslav Vakarchuk Twittered the notation of one of his fans. Moreover, Slavko seems to be pleased with comment - he was even flattered.

"This review is a dream for many novice rockers))) RT @ katya_levchenko: Vakarchuk was clearly stoned)) but the concert was cool!))" - Twittered user s_vakarchuk.

At the same time, on the official site of "Ocean Elzy" in the "Playbill" it was stated that on 9 August the band played in Odessa, on a party-opening of the festival "The big difference in Odessa."
Wrong title — Мфлфксргл дшлув ещ иу @ыещтув@

11 August, 12:45


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