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Marina Aleksandrova doesn't want to play in the theater any more

11 August, 21:23


It became known a few days ago that the famous Russian actress Marina Aleksandrova resigned from the theater "Sovremennik". She didn't explain the reason for her dismissal from the theatre, she just laid on the table of the Art Director Galina Volchek a statement that she was going to leave the theater. 

Immediately after the release, the actress packed up and moved to America. People are gossiping, that the actress left the theater for movies. In "Sovremennik" actress was involved in productions such as "Three Sisters", "Gentlemen," "Woe from Wit", "Three Comrades" and many others. 

In this regard, Alexandrova was forced to adjust to repertory of the theater and abandon filming in a movie. However, eventually the love to films won and the actress left the theater. 

Marina herself refuses to give any comments on that. By the way, she is not the first actress who decided to go with the "Sovremennik". Not long ago an application for exemption has written Elena Yakovleva, followed by her husband, Valery Ochmanilyh - writes
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11 August, 21:23


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