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Tina Karol made a present for her husband - Subaru and Sukachev

17 August, 14:54


Tina Karol's husband loves "Subaru". He's got already six. The new one was the gift to his birthday from Tina. 

This writes the "Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine".

Recently, Tina Karol and her husband Eugene Ogir visited Odessa. A couple arrived at the closing of the festival of parodies "The big difference in Odessa."

The whole evening Tina was laughing over jokes of artists and participants. A married couple after the show went to a concert of Garik Sukachev.

The tickets to the concert was also a birthday present for Garik from Tina. It's paradoxically, but the husband of pop singer likes Russian rock, and Sukachev - his favorite singer.

Tina also gifted his husband an expensive pen - for the successful signing of contracts.
Wrong title — Ештф Лфкщд ьфву ф зкуыуте ащк рук ргыифтв - Ыгифкг фтв Ыглфсрум

17 August, 14:54


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