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Wide hips give women bright orgasm

17 August, 19:49


The fair sex with girth of hips not less than 90 cm gets more pleasure than the ladies with a smaller volume.

This conclusion made the specialists of Copenhagen University, who studied an orgasm of 4,000 women aged from 25 to 37 years. Half the participants had the size of thighs from 90 to 120 cm, while the other part - from 65 to 89 cm

In the first group, women rated the sexual bliss with 10-point scale - from 8 to 9 points. And the second - from 3 to 7 points. Despite the fact that the thick hips adversely affect the health of the digestive system and heart, they provide a positive effect to the sexual function, said the head of the research Dr. Berith Haytmann. The women themselves noted that with the weight loss they begin to lose interest in intimacy. And when returning to volumes begin to experience the thrill again - says
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17 August, 19:49


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