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The government of Netherlands is closing brothels

17 August, 21:16


City government of Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, reported that in the near future they plan to close most of the brothels operating in the city center (approximately 200 institutions).

According to authorities, closing of public institutions will contribute to the reduction of crime and allow the center of the city to become more calm and more accessible place for the general citizenship of all ages. In a statement, the government points to the disproportionately large number of public buildings and places which sell marijuana in the city center. Number of shops that sell marijuana will be similarly reduced.

In addition to public buildings and shops, a number of massage parlors, stores that sell light drugs, sex shops, souvenir shops and a number of other institutions that situated in the center will also get under reducing. All this is planned by 2018 - said
Wrong title — Еру пщмуктьуте ща Туерукдфтвы шы сдщыштп икщеруды

17 August, 21:16


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