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The voice of Olga Gorbacheva is good for sperm donation

17 August, 22:38


Recently, music producer Yuriy Nikitin returned from a business trip to the USA, where he presented the tracks of mamamusic singers in the studio Boss Sound. It turns out that now producers are paying attention not so much to vocal of artists, but to their voice vibrations. Following the results of scientists' researches, producers concluded that the low female voices attract men much more than high.

Low voices in women were considered super-sexy, and the number of sexual partners was more than the owners of a higher voice. Listening to tracks of all Mamamusic artists, caused very mixed reaction to timbre of Olga Gorbacheva's voice. 

"Now, thanks to the numerous musical talent show, almost everyone can sing. We all are in search of unforgettable timbre that can cause our internal resonance,"- says Mark West, program director of the holding "Communicorp group" which includes nine radio stations. Producers here have made an unusual suggestion: in addition to producing tracks classically, they offered to record Gorbacheva's voice to use in paragraphs of sperm donations in the USA - wrote
Wrong title — Еру мщшсу ща Щдпф Пщкифсрумф шы пщщв ащк ызукь вщтфешщт

17 August, 22:38


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