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Angelika Varum packed her things and left Agutin after his betrayal

18 August, 16:53


Leonid Agutin commented on widespread in the media information about his nighttime rendezvous and passionate kisses with another woman while his wife Angelika Varum peacefully slept in the hotel room. Having learned from the media about the adventures of her husband, angry singer packed her things and left.

"I'm sorry that all this happened. And believe me, I really don't want Angelica to be in such a humiliating position, because I love her - said Leonid to Moskovsky Komsomolets. - So sad that this news will probably become much more popular than any new songs. It wasn't really as scandalous as journalists showed it. That evening at a banquet in honor of closing the "New Wave" I really was talking with the girl of my circle of friends. But I had no intentions. Moreover, all saw how she went and I stayed. "

The fact of a passionate kiss Agutin doesn't object.

"This farewell kiss truly looks very indecent, - confessed the singer. - But it simply could not have any extension, whatever anyone thought. You know, I am now thinking to stop attending events where people drink, provoke and shoot on cameras."

However, the attempt to break up was not successful for the star couple.

"We were able to survive only two days without each other. We reconciled on tour in St. Petersburg" - said the singer.
Wrong title — Фтпудшлф Мфкгь зфслув рук ерштпы фтв дуае Фпгешт фаеук ршы иуекфнфд

18 August, 16:53


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