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The artist has offered Loboda to perpetuate her face for money

18 August, 17:27


The singer Svetlana Loboda spent a weekend in sunny Italy.

After the birth of her daughter Yevanhelina and before the next shooting Loboda allocated herself just a few days for complete relaxation. However, such a small amount of time actress held for the benefit of soul and body.

In Italy, most of the time she spent on the beach of a private boarding house on the coast. 

"I deservedly did nothing: just was eating, sleeping on the beach, wandering around the city and tried not to think about anything" - says the singer.

In the evening former "VIA Gra" walked through the capital of Italy. And in one of a restaurants in central Rome Loboda met with the artist. The artist, according to the press service of Loboda, asked the singer to paint her portrait and even offered her money for it. That was very funny for Sveta.
Wrong title — Еру фкешые рфы щааукув Дщищвф ещ зукзуегфеу рук афсу ащк ьщтун

18 August, 17:27


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