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The richest Russian singer had a wedding for half a million

18 August, 17:42


The richest singer according to Forbes, earned $ 20 million last year and married in France.

Stas Mikhailov decided to mark this event with the closest people and invited about thirty relatives and friends. Among his colleagues to his wedding arrived the producer Victor Drobish with wife, Oleg Gazmanov and Taisiya Povaliy. 

There is a rumor that the solemnity costed Stas a significant amount, as he leased  the XVI century castle and luxury apartments for guests for two days, expensive food, fireworks. Also, the singer paid for the road for all the guests - wrote
Wrong title — Еру кшсруые Кгыышфт ыштпук рфв ф цуввштп ащк рфда ф ьшддшщт

18 August, 17:42


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