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Badoev was caught with Brezhneva in Nepal

18 August, 23:04


28-year-old Ukrainian singer and actress Vera Brezhneva has laid out photos from the filming of her video for the song "Real Life", held in Nepal.

Director of the video became famous Ukrainian music video producer Alan Badoev with whom the singer worked more than once. Song "Real life" has become one of the hits of this summer, leading the hit parade MOSKVA.FM and TopHit 100.

Vera Brezhnev was named "The Best Singer" at the ceremony of IX annual national television "Muz-TV Awards 2011". She won the title in a fight with Ani Lorak, Elena Vaenga, Nyusha and Yolka - writes
Wrong title — Ифвщум цфы сфгпре цшер Икуяртумф шт Тузфд

18 August, 23:04


Today is the name day of:

Athanasius, Cyril, Mary, Markian