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How to "revitalize" your hair

19 August, 00:10


The beauty of hair depends on the nutrition. To make your hair healthy and shiny, you need to "feed" them with vitamins and minerals. We'll tell you where to find them.

First of all, go on a balanced diet which should include fruits, vegetables, cereals and other foods containing protein and fatty acid omega-3.

Carrot is rich in vitamin A, necessary for healthy scalp and shiny hair. In addition, it is very useful for vision.

Salmon contain much fatty acid omega-3, which also provide your hair with health. Much of these acids are in nuts.

Eggs are an excellent source of protein that makes hair strong and healthy. It does not matter in what form do you prefer them. In addition, they contain vitamin B12 that improve hair condition.
Green leaves vegetables provide the body with enough iron, which, in turn, provides hair with health and shine, - advises

Also include in your diet dairy products, meat, beans - and your hair will shine with beauty, and you'll feel yourself confidently!
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19 August, 00:10


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