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Sobchak says that she hadn't a surgery

22 August, 18:59


Sobchak is outraged by rumors about her plastic surgery.

Ksenia is in a frenzy of rage and says: if she had time, she would have condemned the publication for gossiping with unthinkable details. TV presenter says: if she used the services of plastic surgeons, she'd never choose such form of nose and chin. Sobchak doesn't exclude that one day she can resort to the clinic of plastic surgery, but not in 29 years.

Recall that recently there was a news that Ksenia Sobchak made ​​plastic of her chin. The operation cost her 10 thousand Euro - writes
Wrong title — Ыщисрфл ыфны ерфе ыру рфвтэе ф ыгкпукн

22 August, 18:59


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