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Kirkorov need no Kamaliya's egg cell without sex

23 August, 11:41


The singer Philip Kirkorov was very surprised to learn that Kamaliya is going to give him her egg cell. The Russian star has refuted information that he wants to become relatives with the Ukrainian blonde.

"Wha-a-a-t? Who-o-o?" - said shocked Kirkorov in comments for "Express-Newspaper".

"I'm just amazed by this clumsiness and offhandedness: do not understand who needs to invent this? Why Kamaliya? What a nonsense? I am extremely outraged! No, this is not true. This is pure fiction!" - Kirkorov announced.

"I would not believe that these rumors were spread by Kamaliya... I'll definitely investigate it! Who needs to gossip this nonsense? On this occasion, I want to state that it has no relationship with me and my family! "- said outraged Philip.
Wrong title — Лшклщкщм туув тщ Лфьфдшнфэы упп судд цшерщге ыуч

23 August, 11:41


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