Mogilevskaya has announced herself a bachelor
The singer Natalia Mogilevskaya stated that she tired of "stupid" investigations of her private life, and "clarified" the situation.
"Officially, I have no relationships with anybody now. If I decide that I take someone seriously, I'll inform you," - said Mogilevskaya in her Live Journal.
In addition, Natasha explained, who's who around her:
"Oleg Voronovich - music producer of "Talant" and just my friend, Anna Vetrova - my concert director and CEO, we have grown in one region, she's my friend. Radu Poklitaru - my colleague in judging and now he's my new friend with whom I flirt sometimes... "
The singer also clarified the role of Yegor Dolinin, with whom she had an affair.
"Yegor Dolinin - I hope that he'll be forever in my life and we have really very warm relations, as should people who were close for so long have," - added Mogilevskaya.
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