Oksana Fedorova visited Far East
Famous Russian beauty, a former girl Nikolay Baskov Oksana Fedorova, decided to rest from secular life. TV presenter this time gave up five star hotels and went to the Far East and islands in the Mediterranean.
Oksana went on vacation without her boyfriend and friends. First of all, the beauty of Russia visited the Primorsky Territory. "I've been waiting all year to come here to relax. Here is hunting and fishing - true reclusion", - said Oksana.
Modest holidays Fedorova decided to consolidate with a trip to the island of Sardinia. In the Mediterranean she rested with the already familiar scale - on a chic yacht. It also became known that after breaking up with Nicholay Baskov TV presenter is in splendid solitude - says www.newsme.com.ua
Wrong title — Щлыфтф Аувщкщмф мшышеув Афк Уфые
Tags: Oksana Fedorova, holidays, Far East
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